Electronic dictionary of discourse networks from semantically annotated corpora, DERDIS.

PROJECT Nº: FFI2012-38299  Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad

DATES: 2012-2016

Principal Investigator: Marta Inés Tordesillas Colado (Departement of French Philology, UAM)

1. Members

          Researchers at the UAM

LAEC (Linguistics and Argumentative and Enunciative Culture) research group at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Marta Tordesillas (Principal researcher)

Lorenza Berlanga

Gema Sanz Espinar

Pilar Suárez


          Foreign researchers

Olga Galatanu

Jacques Moeschler

Pierre-Yves Raccah


          Doctors and collaborators

Cristina Díez Barberá

Aránzazu Gil Casadomet



Véronique Adjani

Cristina Díez Barberá

Aránzazu Gil Casadomet

Elena Moreno

Cristina París


          Group of collaborating organizations



2. Aims

          Design and development of a corpus of texts from the 14th to the 21st century in French.

          Morphological, syntactic, semantic and pragmatic labelling.

          Automatic processing of meaning and discursivity.

          Localisation of deixis and discourse markers

          Identification, extraction and analysis of networks

          Composition of electronic dictionaries

          Development of methodological and IT tools to automate or semi-automate the above analysis work.

          Transfer of results to society: human relations, mediation, education, economics, robotics, etc.

3. Theoretical framework

          General argumentative and enunciative linguistics (LAE, Tordesillas)

          Argumentative and enunciative discourse analysis (ADAE)

          Argumentative and enunciative semantics (SAE, Tordesillas, 1992, 1994, 1998, 2002)

          Argumentative and enunciative grammar (GAE, Tordesillas, 1996 and 2002)

          Argumentative and enunciative didactics (DAE, Tordesillas, 2000, 2006 and 2008)

          Discourse analysis, semantics and pragmatics.

          Theory of argumentation in language

          Theory of enunciative polyphony

          Mother tongue and foreign language acquisition

          Linguistic terminology

          Corpus linguistics

          Computational linguistics

4. Methodology

          Determine the topico-polyphonic, dynamic, multiversal and growing discursive fabric.

          Describe the composition and semantic-pragmatic design.

          Identify the nuclei of discursive activity and action in interaction.

          Observe activity through topico-polyphonic discursive synthesis and projection and discursive action through topico-polyphonic discursive synthesis and instruction.

          Access the nuclei at several levels: firstly, synthesisation-projection (secondly, topical-polyphonic and polyphonic-topical); condensation-instruction (secondly, topical-polyphonic or polyphonic-topical).

          Analysing the discursive combinatorics of nuclei: discourse form as a result of meaning.

          Applying semantic-pragmatic labelling to discourse/text

          Identify discursive combinatorics, vibrations and equations, to give an account and propose a calculation of meaning.

          Concretising results, socio-cultural and ideological commonplaces as linguistic foundations.

5. Innovation

          Genuine interdisciplinarity between computer engineering, artificial intelligence and semantic and pragmatic theorisation.

          New language engineering, focused on the automatic formulation of the subjectivity of language, in its entirety.

          Corpus characteristics: quality, exhaustiveness, heterogeneity, dynamism, labelling, extraction, measurement, identification, marking, implicature, sincerity, hesitation and commitment in discourse.

          Dictionary characteristics: unlimited number of entries, type of discourse definition based on networks, speed, efficiency, usefulness, versatility, permeability, etc.

          Applicability of results to other disciplines and scientific fields (communication, psychology, psychiatry, neurology, robotics, engineering, advanced technology, automatic processing, etc.).

          Social usefulness (citizenship, mediation, dialogic interaction, human relations, doctor-patient relations, etc.) and professional usefulness (communication, mediation, politics, international relations, economics, etc.).

Generally speaking, it can be said that this is a scientific necessity; that it constitutes a powerful form of socio-cultural progress; that it is a basis for innovation and transfer for the progress of the knowledge society; that it implies a major development for communications, physics, advanced technologies and medicine; that it enables the continuing education of teachers and students; that it offers new prospects for employment and the future.

6. Contacts

Marta Tordesillas


(+34) 91 497 39 77

(+34) 689 866 380

Gemma Sanz


(+34) 497 24 31

Lorenza Berlanga


(+34) 497 44 39

7. Location

Office 309

Module II Bis

Faculty of Philosophy and Arts

Cantoblanco Campus

Autonomous University of Madrid

Crta. Colmenar Viejo, Km. 15

28049 Madrid (Spain)

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