Therefore, the theoretical and methodological framework underlying the scientific work carried out within the TiLc-Com Laboratory is based essentially on general linguistics, argumentative and enunciative linguistics, corpus linguistics and automatic language processing, and mainly involves :

or compiling different corpora of real discourse, mainly written, with particular attention to the French language, from the 14th to the 21st century, from different fields (science, philosophy, literature, political press and language sciences), typologies (descriptive, narrative, argumentative, expository) and genres (journalistic genres: newspaper article, scientific article, literary genres: novel, short story, etc.);

or carrying out a semantic treatment of the corpus according to the different values to be observed;

or considering the different discourse dynamics on the basis of the linguistic marks that emerge in the discourse (lexical and semantic categories, connectors, operators, tenses, expressions, combinatorics, etc.) ;

or formulating, in different ways , the recurrences, rules, networks and dynamics which underlie, weave and create discourse.

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